The BCARES Board meeting called to order at ____1837________ by _ _K0ARK____________ via a teleconference meeting on ZOOM.
Attendees: The X marks to the left of the “Present” box indicate presence at the EOC meeting with Curtis Johnson, Mike Chard, and Jocylyn Frankhauser on 3 Oct. The X marks to the right indicate presence at the Zoom meeting on 16 Oct.
Board Member | Name (Position) | Present |
BARC Primary | Allen Bishop – K0ARK (Chair & E.C.) | X X |
BARC Alternate | Pete Goldman – WB2DVS (Networks & Tech.) | X X |
LARC Primary | Jerry Schmidt – N0OUW (Membership & webmaster) | X X |
LARC Alternate | Bob Smith—N0ZFV | X X |
RMVHFS Primary | George Weber – KA0BSA (NWS Skywarn Liaison) | X X |
RMVHFS Alternate | Mike Borenstein – N0BP | X |
2 year At-Large Primary, even yrs. | Rick Myers – KK0COP (Vice Chair, PIO & Alt E.C.) | |
2 year At-Large Alternate, even yrs. | Bill Eberle – AB0MY (Treasurer) | X |
2 year At-Large Primary, odd yrs. | Doshia Kretke – KB0NAS (Secretary) | X X |
2 year At-Large Alternate, odd yrs. | William VanMatre - KD0YYY | X X |
1 year At-Large Primary | Don Lewis – KE0EE | X |
1 year At-Large Alternate | Rob Fauls – KM4SHL | |
Office of Disaster Management | Director - Mr. Michael Chard | X |
Boulder County Sheriff’s Office | Div. Chief - TBD |
Additional Attendees:
The Board met at 3 PM on October 2nd 2023. with the Sheriff, Curtis Johnson, ODM manager Mike Chard, and Jocylyn Frankhauser.
George Kretke, N0RUX as well as Jack Quin and Jim Andrews for the TV demonstration
Meeting with Sheriff
Allen presented a slideshow to the sheriff, highlighting the newer technology which BCARES is exploring and the functionality it presents as well as the tools BCARES has long offered to the ODM and public safety. He then highlighted the new tools available, and the need to maintain/replace equipment as it ages. Various board members offered commentary as well. Real time TV with a drone, a base station at Don’s, N0YE, trained at a CU building, and a tripod/portable set-up locally were demonstrated, as was VOIP via radio. Sheriff Johnson offered several routes for requesting funding.
I. REVIEW OF MINUTES from the August 2023 Board Meeting:
A. Additions or Corrections? none
B. Vote to accept last month’s Board Meeting minutes
Motion: Pete; Second: Jerry; Approved by Unanimous consent
- Approval of the June 2023 Financials
- Monthly Account Report
Opening balance $5309.81 Oct 2
Interest .44 .
Available: 5310.25
Moved: Bill YYY; Second: Don Lewis EE Approved by Unanimous consent
ATV: An ATV class is to be presented with mobile TV. Jerry: EOC is reserved for Sat AM training Nov. 18th. Allan demonstrated the box TV container. Working with Jim, an upgraded fan has been substituted; it can now run at full power for extended time and not get above 90 degrees. The fan had seized up during the demonstration due to overheating. About $400 in total cost. ($ 423 for 1, $337.25 for the rest of the set). Allen can have them all done in about 3 weeks, in time for the training. Moved to approve expenditure: Jerry Second, Don Lewis. Allan abstained, as he will be doing the work. BARC (Alternate), LARC (Primary), RMVHFS (Primary), 2year even (alternate), 2 year odd (primary) and one year (primary) all voted in favor.
Work has been done at the EOC to improve TV reception Cost: $409 per invoices from Jim Andrews. Pete moved approval, Bill YYY seconded. Unanimous approval.
A Demo for the Sheriff’s office on Thursday included Mark and used a Ring Camera with a live feed to SWAT trailer; 2.4 and 5.8 Links to other mobile facilities can be done Made note of FCC prohibition on encryption, but we can convert to a business frequency and tie them into those links. Access point can distribute up to about 20 miles line of sight Ring to receiver. It would be an additional tool in the box.
NOAA: George talked with Greg at the ODM. The severe weather season is probably over, and 4 people were trained to operate the weather station. Some of the activities used that to be done are being re-established.
Trustees: Matt Halliday is club trustee for W0BCR. He is the one who needs to initiated a change of trustee by the FCC
KC0DX is at Eric’s house, he is the current trustee.
The SET was good because State finally participated. DMR, Winlink, whole state all for lines. We were using Central, North, and Wide. One of the lead acid batteries, 11 years old, failed suddenly. Net: head sets are necessary Jerry is looking at developing scenarios. Theere is a need to know what to expect, what one should expect to take. There were some issues with overloading a few people and frequencies.
Conversation with Sheriff: Used by the sheriff at the 1B discussion.
Ubiquity link: Can pick up 4 Ring outputs and send them to the required recipients.
Left Hand fire chief is now taking responsibility for Gold Hill. He gave Allan the code to enter and plug in. Placards are up indicating the equipment is authorized, should stay connected.
It is time for fall maintenance trips to Allens Park, Gunbarrel Hill
Discussions of solutions for crackling on 76. Mike: it really should be anchored at the top. Mike and Peter will check out.
Member participation: Shifts of 8 hours would be preferred to 12 hour shifts for deployment.
Annual meeting preparation: Ideas: Send a personal invitation to new hams. Specialists? Straw man of what our organization looks like, what our capabilities and strengths are. Letter of requested authorization to offer to members to take to their employers, preferably signed by sheriff, ODM, county commissioners for people requesting time off work to participate in activities.
Mike: Nice job on the TV transmitter boxes.
George: This Saturday is JOTA. Will be doing a licensing class
Bob Smith: There is a “Shakeout” exercise on Winlink, actually sending to the USGS. Information on the USGS website or Winlink Thursday.
The meeting ended at 9:02 by consensus.