Our Board of Directors

BCARES By-Laws specifically name four Board officer positions. Officers are elected annually by the Board, as described in the Articles of Incorporation. The following were elected by the board for 2021.

BCARES Officers

  • Chairman – Allen Bishop (KØARK) EC (Emergency Coordinator)
  • Administrative Vice-Chair – Rick Myers (KKØCOP) (Alt EC)
  • Secretary – Doshia Kretke (KBØNAS)
  • Treasurer – Bill Eberle (ABØMY)

Allen Bishop- BARC Primary


Jason Ornstein- LARC Primary


Bob Smith- LARC Alternate

Bob Smith, N0OM, was first licensed in 1972 and has been continuously licensed since 1993. He served as a Search and Rescue volunteer for 22 years. He is a Skywarn Spotter, a member of Electric Infrastructure Security (EIS) Council and a member of InfraGard’s National Disaster Resilience Council where he leads the Black Sky EMCOMM work group.


George Weber- RMVHFS Primary


Rick Myers-  2 year At-Large Primary, even years

Richard "Rick" Myers is a retired chief of police who continues to consult in the criminal justice arena. He has 47 years total working in the policing field. He is a proud two time alumnus (BS, MS) of Michigan State University, has been married for 45 years, has three daughters and two grandchildren.

Bill Eberle-  2 year At-Large Alternate, even years


Doshia Kretke-  2 year At-Large Primary, odd years


Eric Richards-  2 year At-Large Alternate, odd years


Don Lewis- 1 year At-Large Primary


Michael Chard- Director, Office of Emergency Mgmt.


Mike Wagner - Div. Chief - Boulder County Sheriff’s Office


Rob Fauls- 1 Year At-Large Alternate

Rob is the Solutions Architect at IT Creations, serving SLED/FED markets. In addition, he owns Flatiron Networks (the sponsor of this website). He manages the BCARES website, Membership, and BCSO alerts.

Pete Goldman- Barc Alternate


Mike Borenstein-RMVHFS Alternate


BCARES Appointments and Committees

General and Administrative Coordinators  

BCARES Monday Net Manager

George Weber KA0BSA


Mike Derr W3DIF


Pete Goldman WB2DVS


Allen Bishop KØARK


Rick Myers KKØCOP

Public Information Officer (PIO)

Rick Myers KKØCOP

Recruitment Team Coordinator

Rick Myers KKØCOP


George Weber KAØBSA

Training, Certification, and Credentialing

Rob Fauls KM4SHL

CCARC Delegate


WØBCR Trustee

Matt Holiday KØDVB

WØIA Trustee

Mike Borenstein NØBP

KØARK Gold Hill Trustee

Allen Bishop KØARK

KIØHG  Allenspark Trustee

Dave Sharpe KIØHG

Liaisons to Outside Agencies

Boulder / ODM BCSO

George Weber KAØBSA, Allen Bishop KØARK

MACS (Multiagency Coordination System)

George Weber KAØBSA

Broomfield / OEM

George Weber KAØBSA, Dave Sharpe KIØHG


Mark Huff KØLRS, Dave Sharpe KIØHG

Longmont / EOC



Bob McDonald KDØSCC

COARES (Colorado ARES) Net

George Weber KAØBSA

Health & Medical Response (HAMR)

Doshia Kretke KBØNAS


Allen Bishop KØARK

Red Cross

Joe Callahan KCØJCC


Joe Callahan KCØJCC

Lyons Prepared


Technical Committees and Coordinators


Dave Sharpe KIØHG, Matt Holiday KØDVB


George Weber KAØBSA, Joey Stanford NVØN


George Weber KAØBSA

IP Integration Program

Pete Goldman WB2DVS

Information Technology

Steve Fox KS3FOX - Webmaster, Jerry Schmidt NØOUW - Website Content Manager


Pete Goldman WB2DVS

Repeater Hardware and Frequency Allocation

Dave Sharpe KIØHG

Site Survey

George (NØRUX) & Doshia (KBØNAS) Kretke, Joe Callahan KCØJCC